AXEB: Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture

Hosted by the City of Abu Dhabi and in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority, the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture, whose acronym is GFIA, was launched in January 2014 to present the world’s largest collection of sustainable agriculture solutions: plant nutrition innovations, agricultural inputs, new crops, green revolution, seed modification…

AXEB visited the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture GFIA, with more than 150 speakers who shared his views on innovations in the agricultural revolution. During the forum, came forward many ideas, and our company could have contact with many interesting contacts and knew the lastest innovations.

When the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture was launched it leveraged partnerships with over 40 influential organisations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Bank, that wanted a platform to show the world how technology gives us the only real chance of feeding nine billion people without destroying the environment.

GFIA is the world’s largest showcase of sustainable agriculture innovations for increased profits and environmentally responsible farming practices. Unlike other major agriculture events, GFIA is uniquely committed to meeting the needs of both large and smallholder farmers by presenting the best available and emerging solutions with the potential to deliver higher yields without damaging our natural resources and climate.

GFIA is not only a forum for key stakeholders to discuss policy, strategy and solutions for a food secure future, but a live marketplace for suppliers to meet thousands of farmers and procurement managers from government, food producers, agri businesses, NGOs and cooperatives.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Jordi Justribo, made contact with some of the many participants of the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture presenting our company and its advances in research and development to give solution to agricultural community to improve plant health and enhance crop yield and conditioning of soil by the use of innovative biostimulants, plant nutrition products, specialized fertilizers and adjuvants.

It was also an opportunity to present our latest catalogue of Biostimulants and Plant Nutrition. If you are interested, you can get the last version of our catalogue through this link: Catalogue link.

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