AXEB Biotech participates in the campaign \”Europe invests on you\” videos that show how the European research programs benefits citizens and companies.
The information campaign \”Europe invests on you\” has been co-produced by the \”Europe Direct Lleida\” center with the television network \”Lleida TV\” and with the support of the European Commission. The campaign is based on the production of a set of audiovisuals on the European Union\’s investment through the European programs that promote growth, innovation and occupation.
AXEB invested in R + D, so we participate in European Research programs such as MyToolBox: AgroCycle is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project dedicated to the recycling and recovery of waste from the agro-food sector. And AXEB is the leader of the project PetLife “Introduction of a range of Lcysteine derivatives as nutritional additives in pet foods, to reduce the obesity and lengthen animal life” which has been approved by the SME Instrument—Phase I developed during 2016 year.
The campaign, which includes examples of companies from the area involved in European projects, aims to inform citizens of the European Union\’s support for sustainable and future development for European citizens.
\”Europe invests in your\” is an informative campaign launched with the aim of publicizing the possibilities that the EU offers the citizens to promote employment, growth and investment. The campaign, co-produced by Europe Direct Lleida and Lleida TV, It has the support of the European Commission. A series of six videos shows some examples of Lleida companies that have benefited from the funding or have carried out European programs.
You can see the video in the youtube link and also you can follow the campaign through social networks with the #investEU hastag.
If you want to know all the projects that AXEB is doing nowadays, as well as the ones it has done previously, visit the following link to our R&D trajectory.