Environmentally friendly solutions for crop nutrition and soil care in organic agriculture. Certified organic products for fulfilling crop needs: Micronutrient correctors, biostimulants (amino acids, chitosan, seaweed extract) and soil improvers (based on humic and fulvic acids).
Liquid and powder protein hydrolysates for organic agriculture. Amino acids are easily assimilated by plants, help crops to face abiotic stress situations and contribute to improve the performance of fertilization programs.

Chitosan is a derivative from chitin, a component of crustaceans shells, which works as a plant defence activator by inducing phytoalexins formation in plants, helping to protect them against pathogenic attacks.
Extracts of Ascophyllum nodosum improve crop abiotic stress tolerance and crop vigor, as well as nutrient uptake and translocation.

Either in form of chelates or complex, micronutrients play a key role in plant nutrition as they are cofactors of many plant enzymes, related to many important plant metabolic processes.
AXEB flower and fruit setting products are especially recommended for horticultural crops (tomato, pepper, watermelon, melon, cucumber), fruit trees (apple tree, table grape tree, citrus fruit tree) and plants of the poaceae family (corn or sorghum). They include all necessary components to stimulate flower and fruit setting.

Our products are suitable for use in organic farming,
conventional and integrated production.
Contact us to know the best solution for your crops

Our primary objective is to meet the needs of our clients
AXEB produces specific high value products for crop nutrition, suitable for high sustainable agriculture practices to obtain high crop performance and minimize environmental impact. In line with improvement quality of our products, we were carried out field trials.
AXEB Biotech is involved in R&D to give solution to agricultural community to improve plant health and enhance crop yield and conditioning of soil by the use of innovative biostimulants, plant nutrition products, specialized fertilizers and adjuvants.